Sunday, December 29, 2013

The Beginning....

Let me start by saying, this is all new to me.  Well, I have tried to blog before, but I haven't really stuck with it.  However, my dear friend Kathy over at  9peasmom has been gently encouraging me to start a new blog.  So, I'm giving it a shot.  :) 
My husband and I are both musicians.  He is the conductor of our city orchestra as well as a music professor at the college in our town.  He is an accomplished pianist as well.  I am trained to teach elementary music and taught for four years before my first son was born.  I am a vocalist and have taught beginning piano for many years (although I am NOT a pianist).  I took piano as a child and youth and I am a good teacher - a wise man once told me "if you know more than they do, you can teach."  I have taken a break (mostly) from teaching piano to spend more time with my children.  
Since my husband and I live and breathe music, we are teaching our children to also.  That is the main purpose of this blog.  I want to share what we do to teach our children a love of the arts - music, art, theater, architecture, etc - and how it makes life more beautiful.  I think that music and art are wonderful tools not only to encourage a love of beauty in life, but also helps in many ways with educational learning.  From an incredibly young age, we are receptive to music.  I want my children to have as much exposure to these things as possible.  Like many people, we started playing music for them and reading to them before they were born.  We took them to different concerts, museums, etc. at a young age.  I get questions all the time about how we "make" our children behave so well at church, restaurants, concerts.  My answer is, we have taken them to these places since they were babies.  This is what we do, this is how we act.  That is just what we've done.  However, there isn't a "cut off" time for these things.  You can start anytime.  You can start NOW.  There are plenty of opportunities for exposing your family to culture.  I will post about free and low-cost opportunities for this as often as I can.
This is a photo of the boys and me at the last symphony concert in October.  I love seeing them all dressed up for the performances.  They look so handsome!
As I begin this journey, I welcome questions and feedback.  :) Thank you for reading.

1 comment:

  1. I am so very happy to see this post! I look forward to following what you share here!
